Thursday, March 11, 2010

Postcard Friendship Friday

Marie of the French Factrice is the host of Postcard Friendship Friday.

This postcard (front and divided back) is an unused Vintage postcard from

The words Erin Go Bragh (air-inn-guh-braw) mean "Ireland Forever!"

It looks like the young girl is holding a shillelagh (shuh-ley-lee),

so-called because it was first harvested in the Shillelagh Forest, an ancient forest in County Wicklow (the word Shillelagh originally meaning "of the descendants of Ealach") was a cudget or weapon usually cut from hardwood such as oak, maple or blackthorn and used to swing, stab or clout an enemy. It is a cudgel or a club but it can double as a walking stick or a stick to herd livestock with.

Shillelagh law, as the expression comes down, means the one who uses violence most effectively rules.

Go over to Marie's to visit other participants.


♥ Kathy said...

I think it's pretty and I love that the site is called cardCOW lol

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Very pretty but she looks a little precarious on top of that harp!

Beth Niquette said...

I wondered what that meant! Thank you for the translation. I love this postcard--it's so very pretty. Happy PFF!

Postcardy said...

Now I know what a shillelagh is.

Joy said...

Pretty card, but the shillelagh is a mystery, although it does add to the Irishness, only needs a bottle of Guinness and would be complete.

viridian said...

Great postcard!!! March is just flying by.

Mary said...

I have a used version of the exact card, sent in 1910. Amazing!

Lyneen said...

Happy St Patrick's Day... love your post card... Happy PFF!
