Saturday, January 30, 2010

Weekend Reflections # 19

This piece of art hangs in the bathroom of one of the for-show condos at the Meadowbrook Pointe development in Long Island. I stood to the side to reduce the reflection of the camera's flash in the glass.

Go visit James at Newtown Area Photo to visit other participants in Weekend Reflections.

The brightest light moving away from us, unless it be reflected, is darkness to us.



Carolyn Ford said...

I find some of my best photos in restrooms! What a great find this is and delightful reflections!

Margaret Gosden said...

A very apt painting providing your reflections? I am not aware of the Meadowbrook Condos - perhaps I will look out for them on my way to LI tomorrow!

Kat said...

Nice catch! I've yet to bring my camera into a restroom, but if this is the result I'm going to have to try it! Kathy

eileeninmd said...

A great find and reflection.

Dianne said...

I like the painting
the women look as if they're gazing into those lights

Anonymous said...

Neat painting. The photo is better for the angle Mary. I like the bridge shot in your header.

Serendipity said...

I'm impressed that you remembered to look for a reflection in the bathroom!

James said...

I look at it a bit while my eyes took in everything but that's part of the fun. Good one Mary. :)

quilly said...

I looked at the pic and thought, wow, those look like vanity lights -- and then I read what you wrote.
